What is 🪓 hatchet?

What is 🪓 hatchet?

Oct 15, 2022


We love games. We love making apps. So we decided to put those two together and create something new.

To put it simply, it's a Gaming Community Platform, but it's also much more than that.

In essence, Hatchet is designed to be a "home for gaming". There are a lot of platforms out there that serve different purposes, and the purpose of Hatchet is to both bring them all together in one place through integrations and also fill in the gaps with things we feel are missing.

Here are the goals we feel Hatchet can accomplish:

- Have a space for Gamers, Devs, Creators and Press to collaborate and connect

- Provide a place with tools for Devs to learn, grow and accomplish their goals

- Provide tools to Creators and Press to find, curate, review and showcase the games they know their audience will love while enhancing their audience on other platforms

Most platforms try to serve all industries at the same time, which can cause them to be generic and miss features specific to gaming. This is one huge area we think Hatchet can shine because we are solely focused on the game industry.

What can I expect to find?

That list of things will always be growing but here are some things that we have currently and planned for the future.

  • Social home to discuss anything and everything about gaming from likes/dislikes to tips on how to beat certain levels or how to accomplish something in Game Dev. You can follow other users to see their posts as well as join Communities.

  • Gamers - Find new and exciting games to play using search, filters and recommendations.

  • Communities provides a way for you to group up and share your passion about a specific game, cause, or anything else.

    • The Creator of the Community can create featured content and offer subscription plans so members can support their favorite creators and see sub-only content, similar to Patreon.

    • As the Creator of a Community, you can also add your YouTube and/or Twitch channel to pull your new videos directly into an easy-to-view playlist right on the home page of your Community. You can also have it show when you go live so your Hatchet community knows right away.

    • The rest of the functionality in the Community is sort of a mix between Facebook Groups and Discord.

  • Resources are a great place to share and create articles. We have plan to add more features so this can be a great spot to share code-snippets, How-To's and much more. You will also be able to create Resources specific to your Community like Wikis or helpful guides.

  • News - You can see all of the latest gaming News from the most popular channels. We have plans to add more customization to this so you can see only the channels and type of gaming news that you prefer.

  • Roadmap - We have a lot of modules and features planned for the future but we also want to get your feedback on how we can make this as useful as possible for what you are doing in gaming. Whether you are a Gamer, a Dev, a Creator or Press, we want to serve you with new tools and features that make your job easier than ever before. You will be able to find out what we have planned, vote on your favorite features and even give your own suggestions on our Roadmap at https://roadmap.hatchetapp.io

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